Loco for Local

rillito-pavilion-02All things local.  That is what the farmers market is all about.  What defines local?  Perhaps you could say that a 150 mile radius is local.  We think it’s about small businesses that are beginning to sprout.  We give regional micro businesses a place to develop their product lines, test public opinions and see if their product will survive the discriminating palate of our customers.   Imagine the inspiration, the determination and the sheer fortitude of those people who farm and ranch.  They are the salt of the earth, caring for their environment and the animals that reside there.  That’s the short of it, their story.

Buying local gives you purchasing power, power to create an economic boom in the place that you call home.  The money that is spent on local products gives all of us a sustainable place in our future.  When you buy the fresh vegetables right off the farm, the money goes right back into the soil, allowing the farmers to continue to grow more, develop more heirloom seeds, nurture the earth, care for it, and it in turn will produce more and more.  The buck doesn’t stop there, the nutrients in the fresh produce and range-fed meats are energizing our bodies, giving us what was once lost in those boxes lining grocery shelves. We are getting healthier and stronger because of our healthy choices; included in those choices should be to shop small, shop local–you can’t get anything fresher or better than that.

On Sunday, April 6th, The Heirloom Farmers Market will be celebrating joyous local food at our Viva la Local Festival.  The festival came about as a way for the Heirloom Farmers Markets to embrace the local food scene with our biggest farmers market yet- over 75 vendors, 30 local restaurants, local breweries and wineries, live entertainment and chef demonstrations. You could say we are loco for local!  Hope to see you at the markets!