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WIC & FMNP Seniors coupon distribution starts February 1st and are accepted at all Heirloom Farmers Markets. WIC families and eligible Seniors will receive FMNP coupons and a matching amount of coupons once per FMNP season (Feb 1st-Sept 30th). WIC families can receive $50 per eligible family member (must visit the WIC clinic) and a match of $50, and eligible Seniors will receive $50 and a match of $50, at all five markets once per season.
EDUCATION Programs at the Market
Heirloom Farmers Markets supports supplemental nutrition programs, including SNAP/EBT, WIC, and FMNP Seniors, as part of our mission to provide vital access to fresh healthy local foods to the community. The dollars spent from these programs directly benefit our local farmers, ranchers, and producers year-round at the markets. To redeem or learn more about these programs, please visit the Market Info booth.
In an effort to support a healthy SNAP and WIC community at the Sunday Rillito Park Farmers Market, we offer educational programs about seasonal produce, meal planning, shopping the market, and cooking:
WIC & FMNP Seniors | English

- WIC (Women, Infants & Children) and FMNP Senior coupons are now available at all Heirloom Farmers Markets.
- As part of the CARES Act, the City of Tucson is now matching the benefits for WIC & FMNP Senior recipients at participating farmers markets in Tucson – $30 for $30 for WIC families and $50 for $50 for Senior CSFP participants. You can match your benefits at all of our markets: Wednesday Green Valley, Friday Udall Park, Saturday Rincon Valley and Oro Valley, and Sunday Rillito Park markets.
- Visit the Market Info Booth at the farmers market to pick up your WIC or FMNP coupon books.
- Limit one FMNP booklet and one FMNP Match booklet per household per year. First come first serve.
- For directions and market info visit our Markets page.

WIC & FMNP Seniors | Español

- Los cupones de WIC (mujeres, bebés y niños) y FMNP Seniors se aceptan en todos los Heirloom Farmers Markets: Green Valley Village los miércoles, Udall Park los viernes, Oro Valley los sabados, Rincon Valley los sabados, y Rillito Park los domingos.
- Como parte de la Ley CARES, la Ciudad de Tucson ahora ofrece el doble de beneficios para los beneficiarios mayores de WIC y FMNP en los mercados de agricultores participantes ubicados en los límites de la ciudad de Tucson – $30 para $30 para familias WIC y $50 para $50 para CSFP Seniors.
Puede duplicar sus beneficios en todos los mercados: Green Valley los miercoles, Udall Park los viernes, Rincon Valley los sabados, Oro Valley los sabados, y Rillito Park los domingos.
- Visite el puesto de información del mercado en el mercado de agricultores para obtener su libro de cupones de WIC y FMNP.
- Límite de una cuponera FMNP y una cuponera paralela de FMNP por familia por año. El primero en llegar es el primero en ser atendido.
- Para obtener instrucciones e información de mercados, visite nuestra página de Mercados.